From the Stamp Specialist:
Confederate States of America, Part Three
Some notes on the postal legislation * Postal Rates * Postal Uses and Earliest Known Dates of Use of the Stamps of The General Issue
By Stanley B. Ashbrook
(From The Stamp Specialist Emerald Book, #16, published in 1946)
Sc. 11, Die B, Keatinge & Ball
Purchase of U.S. Stamps Authorized by Confederate Congress
On December 28, 1864, the following resolution was adopted by the House of Representatives. Quote,
"Resolved, That in order to facilitate the correspondence and communication between the citizens of the Confederate States and our prisoners in the hands of the enemy, it be referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post- Roads to inquire into the propriety of authorizing the Postmaster General to purchase a sufficient supply of United States postage stamps, and distribute the same to the different postmasters; also that said Committee inquire into the propriety of extending…
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